You may want to switch from unresponsive play to a responsive one and may want to know what to do in this case. Don’t hit your head against the wall for not finding the solution, just pay attention to the methods presented here.
Learn how to make your unresponsive yoyo responsive
1.Put a size C thin bearing onto your yoyo.
This might be the safest method of making your yoyo responsive as it doesn’t affect the string itself(doesn’t fray any more because it sits onto the bearing).
In this case, you need to remove the wide bearing you already have in place and change it with a thinner one.
This method might not work with all yoyos, a notable exception is the Replay Pro which has a longer axle that doesn’t allow a thin bearing to fit in.
In fact, it isn’t the axle itself, but the buil-in spacers that limit the minimum gap between the sides of the yoyo, The size C thin bearing has a smaller width than the minimum gap between the halves of the toy. I can certify from experience that there is no way you can place a thin bearing into a Replay Pro.
2.Use a thick lube or a visquous oil
A thick lube is mostly used for responsive yoyos in order to keep them in good condition. In this example, you can use the thick lube purchased at a specialized shop for slowing down the bearing.due to its viscosity. Or you can do the stupid thing that I’ve done with the unresponsive yoyo and replicate it here: just use the bike maintenance oil!
3. Use a thicker string
Type 6 string is mainly used for unresponsive play as it is thinner than most of the strings. To obtain better results in regards to responsiveness I advise you to buy a thicker string such as Type 8, Type 10 or even Type 12
It will make a significant difference in your play you’ll have more friction between the cord and the response pads.
Plus, changing your response pads can also improve responsive play. Depending on your yoyo, it can be boght a pair of slimpads or thicker response pads.
4. Don’t clean the bearing and use it to its limits
This isn’t the most recommended method for you to apply, but if you really feel like Machiavelli, don’t hesitate to pursue your scope and overuse your bearing.
This will increase the friction between the balls and the track they are on those making the yoyo more responsive until to the unpleasant. Still, if you can apply one of the previous methods it would be great!
You don’t need to waste more than 12 bucks on a bearing. It is not the end of the world if this happens but you can avoid the unnecessary stress related to it. Ways to switch from responsive to unresponsive play
1.Change your bearing
That is the first thing that you can do in the near future if you really desire to advance in the mastery of the yoyo play. Most of the responsive yoyos come with thin bearings mostly half the width of a regular unresponsive bearing, thus making the string fit in less space, staying more cramped and creating friction between the response pads and the cord itself.
The excessive friction makes the string stick to the yoyo and winds up easily every time you tug the skill toy. You can find various bearings in yoyo stores and you can choose from flat bearings to centre track, concave and grooved bearing as explained in a previous article.
The 5 mm/1 fifth of an inch width of the large bearing ensures that the yoyo gets less snaggy so the toy won’t come back any time soon. At this stage, you’ll be able to perform the most complicated tricks the world has ever seen. You can do that starting from a humble Replay Pro. Gentry Stein clearly proves it at The US Nationals.
2. Use mineral spirits of a mix of oil and white spirit
In this case, you let the bearing stay in a glass bowl with mineral spirit for around an hour or two for optimal cleaning and maintenance.This will make sure that the yoyo bearing doesn’t rust and it plays smoothly when you take it out of the bowl.
You can also try the following thing: take a pill jar and put in it a mix of one part 3 in 1 oil that you can find in any hardware store and 3 parts of mineral spirits.
Let the bearings stay there as much as you want for later use when one of your bearings just sucks.
3. Just clean the bearing with medical alcohol!
This applies only if you’ve been using thick yoyo lube to maintain your responsive yoyo. The washing part comes for freeing the bearing from having a slow-motion(the viscosity of the thick lube makes the bearing slow down).
Don’t ever put bike lubricant onto the bearing as will make it even slower than before. Believe me, it was one of the most disappointing moments and the most stupid thing I’ve ever done with my yoyo.
Instead, you just take the medical alcohol, put it into the bottle cap, put the bearing into the bottle cap with rubbing alcohol and let it stay there for around 2-3 minutes. This should do the trick.
I had to wash it firmly to remove any trace of oil in order to make the yoyo unresponsive again. Instead, you can buy thin yoyo lube to keep your bearing in good condition.
It will last you practically forever even if you may spend up to 10 dollars or so. You only need two-three drops of lube on different spots of the stainless steel bearing.
We have so far four options of turning the yoyo unresponsive and 5 methods of doing exactly the opposite. You can choose one or more methods that suit you the best and apply them throughout your yoyo career(maybe?). Don’t hesitate to ask me anything related to yoyos in the comments section.I’ll comes over and answers most of the uncertainties that you may face related to yoyos.
Until next time, happy yoyoing!
I have bought the magic Yoyo m002 and bought a c size bearing and a tool to change it to a responsive Yoyo. But after following these steps my Yoyo has stayed unresponsive. To tell you what I did i just swappped the axel and the bearing around and put some oil on it. Please could you help me. This Yoyo was a gift and i wouldn’t want to have to just buy another.
If it doesn’t work to put thick oil to make the bearing responsive you can wrap the loop attached to the yoyo several times around the bearing.This way you can make the yoyo responsive even though you have an unresponsive bearing or yoyo.